As companies set their security budgets, they should be aware of major auto industry theft trends. Understanding these trends are vital for 2021 security budget planning.
Today’s smart cameras use increasingly sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms in their software that allow the end-user to program automated responses into the tool.
As a cannabis enthusiast, Brad thought getting a job in the industry would be a dream come true. He wasn’t wrong but not for the reasons he had envisioned.
What if I told you: “There’s a technology you probably already have in place that’s collecting all kinds of intelligence to help you better run your business. And, you probably aren’t using it to its full extent”?
Modern features put you in the driver’s seat with intelligent computer software, solar-powered cameras for remote sites, and real-time surveillance through a wireless signal so criminals can be deterred before they ever commit a crime.
How can businesses make their operations more resilient so they can avoid business disruptions when events beyond their control strike?
Protecting Your Cannabusiness by Combining the BEST Commercial Security Systems. When cannabusiness security providers boast industry expertise, most mean they sprouted up with the industry and have little tenure with protecting businesses.
Should you use live security guards, security cameras, fences, or a different security option? Oftentimes the best security approach for many organizations is not “either/or” … it’s “AND.”
Where there is industry growth, there are jobs. And where there are well paying jobs, there are people seeking jobs. But are they people you want around your valuable crop?
Technology has been advancing surveillance since as far back as the 1930s. In some ways, the future of video surveillance is right now.
Cannabusiness is emerging faster than any other budding market has grown. With a 28% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2016 to 2021, the U.S. will see continued acceleration in the marijuana industry.
There is no question that vandals somehow find it satisfying to deface property of high value. On vehicles, they want to key the paint, slash tires, smash windows, break wipers, or spray paint the vehicle.
AI and machine learning are buzzwords that have been floating around for a few years now, but what do they mean for commercial security? A lot, actually.
While there is no blueprint for opening schools during a pandemic, most education professionals agree that in-class instruction is the best way to educate students, at every level.
Manufacturing plants are often ideal settings for spreading COVID-19, due to the need for employees to work in close proximity in an enclosed environment. It can be difficult or even impossible to completely eliminate this proximity problem.
Most retailers have reopened their doors after a long lockdown period, but it’s far from business as usual. COVID-19 has dramatically changed the retail experience – for management, employees and consumers.
One of the biggest challenges in car dealership security is providing easy access to potential customers while protecting the business and its valuable assets from crime.
Do you want to secure your dealership’s inventory and protect your property? Security cameras alone aren’t enough to ensure your dealership is not a prime target for thieves and vandals.
Losses from onsite crime can put companies out of business. Crime deterrents are a necessity in today’s world but how do you know if you are offering the right combination of services for your sites?
Outdoor and indoor construction sites have valuable items that are often unsecured – and criminals know this. While the need for security cannot be denied, protecting a work site from criminal activity can be difficult.
Properly securing your construction site is of paramount importance. This article will discuss securing your site and how smart security cameras can help you identify and respond to real risk versus a false alarm.