‘Tis the Season to Deter Holiday Crime with Pro-Vigil

Believe it or not the holiday season is upon us – and accompanying the increase in cheer and good will, comes a rise in crime.
deter holiday crime

Holiday Crime

In fact, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, in recent years, more vehicles have been reported stolen on New Year’s Day than any other holiday. The National Equipment Register reports that, over the past five years, incidents of heavy equipment theft spike between December 20 and January 1. And, these statistics are representative of a larger trend across industries. 

Deter Holiday Crime

Complicating matters, companies this year are battling more than rising crime. There’s also the global health pandemic, struggling economy and staggering unemployment rate to consider. Though we’re facing a holiday season filled with uncertainties, security doesn’t have to be one of them. Read on to learn how you can deter crime with Pro-Vigil, so your holiday season can be filled with joy.

Blog Insights

Holiday Crime: Just How Bad Is It?

  • Want an in-depth look at why organizations are facing an unprecedented holiday crime season this year and how Pro-Vigil can help? Check out our blog, “‘Tis the Season to Step Up Security: Holiday Crime in a Pandemic.”
  • If you work with heavy equipment, then take a look at this Pro-Vigil blog, “Not-So-Happy Holidays: Heavy Equipment Theft Spikes.” We break down the top targeted locations, states, equipment types and product brands.

Coverage Spotlight

Artificial intelligence (AI) for video surveillance

Last month, we told you about our new Social Distancing AI Suite, which analyzes digital video to measure compliance with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) COVID-19 prevention guidelines.

Our powerful AI capabilities were featured in a recent SearchEnterprirseAI article focused on how AI is making motion analysis more usable for companies and creating new use cases, such as monitoring adherence to COVID-19 prevention guidelines. Read the story here

Pro-Vigil Fun Fact

Our remote video surveillance service can detect potential threats within 18 seconds and prevent crime within 30 seconds, using audiovisual deterrents. With these capabilities supporting your property, you can remain confident that your holiday season will be merry and bright as holiday crime is no longer an issue.

Video of the Month

Want to see our audiovisual deterrents in action? Watch this video to see how they stopped a thief from stealing materials from an unoccupied construction site. 


From all of us at Pro-Vigil, we hope you have a healthy, safe and successful holiday season!

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