
Think Twice About Scrap Yard Security

Often packed with pricey metals like copper, or even desirable parts like catalytic converters, thieves know they can cash in quickly by selling stolen merchandise to scrap yards.

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Business Tips & Tricks

With High Inflation Comes Crime

It’s no secret that most people think the economy and crime are linked. Specifically, crime tends to increase during rough patches and decrease in better times.

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Business Tips & Tricks

Shake Up Your Security Strategy

Thieves become more brazen, business operations change, or a global pandemic enters the scene. In any event, security strategies need to be re-examined twice a year at a minimum.

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Types of Security Systems for Business
Security Equipment

What Are the Types of Security Systems for Business?

Today’s video surveillance cameras can detect motion in a specific area of your business. Since they use AI, they can discern a bag blowing across the lot or an overly curious cat versus a human shape. But that’s only the starting point for their effectiveness.

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Physical Security

Video Monitoring vs. Security Guards – It’s Usually No Contest 

When organizations weigh their options for active security, they often make a choice between “I hire security guards,“ or ”I choose a remote video monitoring service (RVM).” Both approaches to security have their strengths and weaknesses, but one offers significant cost and reliability advantages – RVM.

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Collision Centers

Why Are Thieves Preying On Collision Centers?

There’s no denying that collision repair centers are a thief’s dream target. Not only are they full of pricey tools, pieces of equipment and replacement parts, but they regularly have customer vehicles on-site for repairs that are packed with valuable parts.

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Security Tips for Cannabis Dispensaries

Security Tips for Cannabis Dispensaries

Cannabis is a cash business, primarily because federal laws still list marijuana as an illegal substance. This presents huge problems for dispensary security. With all that cash exchanging hands, dispensaries are a prime target for theft.

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