Security cameras are more suitable for small businesses. Larger companies integrate security cameras into a surveillance infrastructure to better protect their property.
By far the most popular video security cameras today are IP-enabled and cloud connected. But even if your security cameras lack Wi-Fi, the cell network can keep you connected to your property.
If your security system isn’t smart, you’ve already fallen behind criminals. Older CCTV security systems are really only useful for responding to burglaries and vandalism after they’ve happened.
Today’s video surveillance cameras can detect motion in a specific area of your business. Since they use AI, they can discern a bag blowing across the lot or an overly curious cat versus a human shape. But that’s only the starting point for their effectiveness.
Modern security solutions can help retail store owners catch crimes as they’re happening – instead of just recording the event for documentation.
Every business has its own issues and security challenges that must be addressed. You’ll want to pin down which features you need your security system to have, which will help you find the right type of security camera for your property.
A proactive deterrence system removes the cover of anonymity and shines a light—sometimes literally—on crime.
Companies are increasingly upping the ante on criminals by making use of security analytics. These software programs are built into today’s smart surveillance systems.
The infrastructure that supplies energy stretches across the U.S. These sprawling networks of production and supply are uniquely vulnerable to any number of threats.
Surveillance cameras are designed for prevention. They’re like a fire alarm; you don’t need them until the day you do. When and if that day happens, the last thing you want is to find that the equipment you trusted didn’t function.
Sure, cutting a few cameras may save you a few dollars in monthly fees. But by eliminating cameras you are building blind spots into your security strategy.
Today’s high-tech, artificially intelligent surveillance cameras do more than capture footage of crime as it happens.
If you’re wondering how to buy the right security camera system, a cookie-cutter approach won’t work. No two security configurations are the same.
Criminals look for easy targets. Any business with video surveillance is no longer an easy target. That’s how security cameras work to actually deter crime.
Across the country, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on businesses. First, widespread closures forced many businesses to close their doors for good. And now, due to a nationwide labor shortage, business owners are having a hard time finding the staff to keep doors open once again.