5 Must-Have Commercial Security Measures for Businesses

Commercial security is one of the most important things to invest in for your business. Here are the must-haves when it comes to protecting your business.
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Commercial security protects your business from break-ins, data theft, and a host of other threats. Whether you are just getting started or want to ensure that your current security plan is solid, here are the must-have security measures you need for your business.

#1: Business Security Cameras and Alarm Systems

With video surveillance and an alarm system in place at your business, you have several lines of defense before someone commits a crime. Some thieves are deterred simply by seeing your commercial security camera system.

Any smart criminal who triggers your alarm system will turn and run in the other direction quickly. And if your system uses remote video monitoring, it will automatically contact the police at the first sign of disturbance. With video surveillance and an alarm system, your business is protected at any stage of the potential crime.

#2: Security Badge System

Savvy thieves may do their homework in advance, visiting your property during operational hours to see if you have a commercial security system in place and identify what valuable items they can easily target. A badge system prevents unauthorized individuals from entering your building and scoping it out.

#3: Data Security

If your website and email are not secure, you could lose valuable data and information at the hands of a cyber-criminal. Creating a site with an SSL certificate should be a part of your commercial security plan. You should also train your employees on how to use their email accounts wisely and not open any suspicious emails or attachments. This is a must-have security measure to prevent cyber-attacks.

#4: Background Checks

There’s plenty of research available on the risk of employee theft. 75% of all employees have stolen from the company they worked for at least once – the odds are not in your favor! To avoid potential issues and provide a safe work environment, it’s important to do a background check on your employees as part of your commercial security plan. This allows you to better evaluate who you hire and minimize risks.

#5: Security Guards

A security guard is a must-have for businesses with highly valuable property. In commercial security, there are several options here.

  1. You can hire a live guard to walk the premises and keep an eye on your valuables.
  2. You can also hire remote virtual guards. While a virtual guard is not physically onsite, they are a live person who is monitoring your property from all angles.

In many cases, having a virtual guard is actually more effective because they can see the entire building at once. Being in a supervised remote location with other guards can give you peace-of-mind knowing that 24 hours a day, your property is being watched.

Need help with your security plan? Pro-Vigil offers the fastest commercial security surveillance on the market today and deters crime in as little as 24 seconds.

For a free quote or consultation, contact us here to talk about your commercial security.

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