Re-Establishing Worker Trust in Manufacturing Environments

Manufacturing plants are often ideal settings for spreading COVID-19, due to the need for employees to work in close proximity in an enclosed environment. It can be difficult or even impossible to completely eliminate this proximity problem.

Social Distancing AI Suite: Manufacturing Use Case

The Challenge

When the COVID-19 crisis first took root, high-profile closures in food-processing / manufacturing plants threatened the U.S. food supply chain. And, many factories of all types closed down across the country as the virus spread and caused mandated shutdowns.   


Even when factories reopened later in the spring, absenteeism became a serious problem. All of the “Big Three” auto makers had to restructure and even eliminate shifts due to workers having to quarantine due to infection or exposure, or being too afraid to come to work.

With no vaccines or proven therapeutics on which to rely, the only way for manufacturers to create a less disruptive environment is to set policies and processes that foster strict adherence to Centers for Disease Control (CDC) COVID-19 guidelines.


Manufacturing plants are often ideal settings for spreading COVID-19, due to the need for employees to work in close proximity in an enclosed environment. It can be difficult or even impossible to completely eliminate this proximity problem, however it is possible to use technology to drive operational policies and processes that promote social distancing and face mask usage, to reduce the risk of infection as much as possible. This technology comes in the form of artificial intelligence (AI)-enhanced digital video.

The Pro-Vigil Solution

Pro-Vigil’s Social Distancing AI Suite enables manufacturers to use AI-driven video monitoring technology to promote compliance with COVID-19 control and prevention guidelines.

With AI, Pro-Vigil’s remote video surveillance system can analyze digital video data to identify areas where CDC guidelines are not being effectively implemented. This gives plant managers the intelligence they need to adapt processes and policies to reduce opportunities for virus spread. Specifically, Pro-Vigil’s cameras can help with three common CDC guidelines:

  1. Social distance monitoring – Pro-Vigil’s cameras can be programmed to measure the space around employees to detect when the six-foot rule is violated. This can provide managers with information on potential “trouble spots” so they can reevaluate the best way to direct the flow of foot traffic, to avoid “clustering” on the work floor. 
  1. Occupancy management – Pro-Vigil’s advanced video technology can automatically count plant occupants, which can help maintain occupancy control. 
  1. Face mask detection – Pro-Vigil’s integrated object recognition can detect the use of face. This can help management understand if face mask requirements are being followed, and if any remedial action is required

Beyond meeting CDC guidelines, having this technology in place enables manufacturers to demonstrate their commitment to safety and restore trust among employees.

Results At Your Fingertips

Pro-Vigil’s Social Distancing AI Suite makes it easy for manufacturers to get the information they need, so they can reopen and stay open with confidence. The system delivers CDC compliance information through a daily scorecard, which shows exactly how a company is doing in regard to following social distancing, occupancy and face mask guidelines.

If a problem area is detected, managers can drill down to learn more about the issue – where it’s happening, at what time of day and who is involved, for example.

As an added bonus, manufacturers can publish their daily scorecard results to further build confidence with employees. For example, promoting 99% mask-wearing compliance can rally employees around protecting each other while reinforcing that management cares about maintaining the safest possible work environment.

And, of course, manufacturers will also benefit from Pro-Vigil’s industry leading security monitoring and crime deterrence capabilities. To learn more about the Pro-Vigil Social Distancing AI Suite, go to Pro-Vigil or contact us today.

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