3 Things to Do When Security Suddenly Goes Offline

75 percent of employees will steal from their companies at least once in their lifetime. How are you protecting your business to mitigate that risk?
when security goes offline

What’s even scarier than a potential business intrusion? An unexpected security system shutdown during the intrusion. So what do you do when security suddenly goes offline?

Before looking into more advanced issues, simply ensure that your equipment is plugged in properly and that all cords and batteries are up to par.

Beyond that, here are some steps you can take to ensure that your business security equipment is working around the clock when security suddenly goes offline.


Sometimes, your router and security cameras are simply not “talking.” If that’s the case, you may want to move any cameras that are losing connection closer to the router. Or check for obstructions such as walls and floors that are preventing the signal from reaching the camera. Minimize these obstructions if possible or seek out ways to boost the signal to prevent yourself from being blindsided when your security goes offline.


If you run multiple networks at your place of business, or are located in a building with other businesses, interference could be the reason your cameras are offline. Your cameras and router may run on the same channel as another network, which is causing the confusion. However, changing the channel could help to alleviate this.

Another potential cause of interference is other electronics. If this is the case, you will want to work with your security equipment provider to troubleshoot this issue.

Surveillance Equipment Features

Some surveillance equipment providers offer features that help to ensure that your cameras are functional 24/7. Pro-Vigil provides IP camera health and equipment monitoring. This security system feature actively monitors the health and status of your surveillance equipment at all times. That way if security suddenly goes offline, it will not be offline for long.

The Pro-Vigil Difference

The idea of an intruder breaking in and disabling the cameras is a scary thought. In that situation, you may feel helpless. Even if the authorities are called, they could be too late and with no evidence of the crime, you could be left with a costly situation. That is why it is important when choosing a security company, to find one with an excellent track record of preventing and stopping incidents before they escalate.

Pro-Vigil is the only monitoring and live surveillance company that stops crime in as little as 24 seconds. We have processed over 100 million events, deterred 5K+ criminals, and prevented more than 10K crimes.  To learn more about how we can help you, contact us for a free quote.

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