Copper will cost you about 1/3 more than it cost just last fall. These will be trying times for construction firms as they try to keep projects on budget and on schedule amid price spikes and delivery delays.
Jova Inc. is a commercial contractor and developer based in Boerne, Texas. Since 1991, the company has overseen projects including construction work on office buildings for various state agencies throughout Texas.
While the winter months should be all about family gatherings and holiday traditions, it’s no time for businesses to let down their guard. And for anyone operating, selling or storing heavy equipment, it’s especially important to step up security during the holidays.
Construction site monitoring protects employees, provides reliable documentation, and helps preserve the security, integrity, and ultimately the success of construction projects.
Crime is a 24/7 threat to businesses in every corner of the country, with vandalism, property destruction and theft costing billions in losses every single year.
Modern features put you in the driver’s seat with intelligent computer software, solar-powered cameras for remote sites, and real-time surveillance through a wireless signal so criminals can be deterred before they ever commit a crime.
Outdoor and indoor construction sites have valuable items that are often unsecured – and criminals know this. While the need for security cannot be denied, protecting a work site from criminal activity can be difficult.
Properly securing your construction site is of paramount importance. This article will discuss securing your site and how smart security cameras can help you identify and respond to real risk versus a false alarm.
21% of construction sites experience a theft on a weekly basis. That statistic is truly daunting, especially when the project doesn’t have access to utilities, electricity, or even so much as a place to store machinery and tools.
As COVID-19 spreads there are more construction site shutdowns. This leaves many sites abandoned and vulnerable to theft, vandalism and other activities. Â
Use our construction site security checklist to ensure your construction site is properly secured from theft! Make sure your bases are covered