What are the Best Warehouse Security Cameras?

Warehouses looking for effective security systems often turn to CCTV cameras. But not all warehouses need the same level of security, and every organization is different.

Warehouses are typically a hub of activity. Keeping track of inventory, foot and vehicle traffic, and your workforce is a challenge. This blog will explore the kinds of features found in warehouse security cameras and security systems that can help you manage, control, and protect your — and your customers’ — assets.

The Problem with Warehouse Security and Loading Dock Security

Loss Prevention Magazine reports cargo theft costs American companies about $30 billion a year. While cargo theft can occur at any point in the supply chain, 13% of loss is coming from warehouses and storage areas.

SupplyChainDive says distribution center theft is a big and growing problem. They report a whopping 40% of delivery drivers said they’ve been approached to join in a theft ring to traffic stolen goods from these facilities. 

Some of the typical warehouse security issues include:

  • Theft by external sources. If security isn’t tight, visitors can walk in and walk out, creating a big problem for warehouse management. Or they can break in, as in the case of the Las Vegas thieves who, CNN reported, broke into a warehouse twice over one weekend and stole 30,000 condoms.

  • Internal theft is probably an even bigger threat. Reports like the Amazon warehouse employees who stole $100,000 in Apple products happen far too often.

  • Safety and OSHA compliance is a big issue. Companies spend billions on workers’ compensation claims and OSHA fines. From injuries with powered equipment to spills of hazardous materials, keeping your warehouse safe for your workers is a top security concern.

  • Fire, flood, or another disaster can take down all or a portion of your business. Securing your facility means keeping it secure from preventable hazards.

Preventing theft in a warehouse is hard when the high volume of goods moving through the facilities invites theft. Inbound Logistics says, “One reason that so many warehousing and transportation companies have incurred loss is that they often rely on ineffective security safeguards.” Organizations seeking to improve warehouse security often turn to warehouse security cameras. But not all warehouse security systems are created equal. 

How Can a Warehouse Camera System Help with Security?


Companies from around the world depend on warehouses to store the products. If you get security wrong, it could cost your company the business relationship you had with your client in addition to the cost of the theft itself. Lighting, barriers, and access controls alone lack the birds-eye, 360-view that video surveillance offers. The reality is simple: Logistics and warehouse companies that use modern security cameras stand a better chance of deterring or catching security incidents as they occur. 

How Warehouses Benefit from Modern Security Systems


  • Flexible positions

    Wired or wireless cameras with solar panels that can connect to the cloud over Wi-Fi or a cellular network.

  • HD video

    High-quality video imaging, even in low-light conditions.

  • Real-time monitoring

    Data is recorded over the internet, which is visible on any connected digital device.

  • Easy footage retrieval

    Video data and footage tags allow users to search for incidents similar to how you’d search on Google.

  • Remote camera monitoring

    Virtual guards watch what your video sees 24/7/365.

  • Seamless integration

    Your cameras easily pair with other security systems.

  • Artificial intelligence (AI)

    Advanced features that program the camera to detect specific incidents, like a person stepping over a threshold.

  • Alarms, sirens, and two-way audio

    Speakers are built into the video surveillance camera to scare off intruders or question people entering restricted areas.

  • Smart cameras

    Cameras fully integrate with existing systems like access control, lighting, fire and safety systems, and alarms. These cameras can be programmed to trigger at certain events, such as when someone clocks in outside of designated work hours, or opens a door to a restricted area.

Modern Warehouse Security Use Cases

Thermal Security Cameras

An advanced surveillance system is perfectly suited for use in warehouses for a number of reasons.

  • You want cameras that function well in low light conditions (at night, or when lights are off) as well as during the day in a well-lit environment. Warehouses can be cluttered, so thermal imaging cameras can tell people apart from packed shelves. Tough, low-light cameras operate in HD and can be your night vision into every corner of your facility.
  • Connectivity can be a problem in a warehouse environment, but today you have the choice of using wired versus wireless connections. You can connect to the internet via a WiFi signal, or, if that’s too weak, you can use 4G cellular networks to send data to the cloud.
  • Data analytics that track more than missing inventory; having full access to camera feeds and video data helps users monitor unsafe worker behaviors that could lead to an OSHA violation.  
  • Warehouse security managers can receive a text alert for issues as they’re happening and can click a link to see live video. From their smartphone, they can activate a camera’s zoom or pan, sound an alarm, or even engage the person on the other end of the camera in a conversation.
  • Loading dock security and surveillance systems can monitor one of the biggest ingress points of your site, where busy staff might not notice someone grabbing an unsecured box from a pallet full of them.

Onsite Security Guards vs. Modern Security Systems


While onsite security works fine, warehouse guards can only be looking in one place at once. Warehouse security systems can include virtual guard services where a trained team can monitor your video cameras. This covers many more parts of a full warehouse than onsite security guards can. Warehouse live video monitoring can do more than catch criminals, a trained operator can spot safety hazards before they escalate. Virtual guard service makes sure your cameras are always doing the job to protect your facility.
You can even disguise warehouse security cameras within regular objects around the facility such as lighting, rocks, boxes, or electrical outlets. This kind of covert surveillance can record and monitor what’s going on without drawing attention. These cameras can be motion-activated to ensure that critical moments are captured.

A warehouse camera system is so much more today than the old CCTV solutions were. Far from being just a camera, today’s tools give you the ammunition you need to keep up with safety issues in your warehouse. Pro-Vigil can help you by designing and installing the perfect system for your unique needs. Contact us to find out more.

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