Utilities Are Under Assault: Eliminate Petty Theft with Pro-Vigil

There’s a petty theft epidemic across utilities in the U.S. While machine guns causing mass power outages may grab the headlines, the theft of other items has been going on for a long time and is only getting worse.

Whether it’s bales of copper wire, tools, batteries, automobiles or even manhole covers, utilities are a prime target for criminals looking to make a quick score with some metals, or those seeking to make off with more valuable items.

The problem is, utilities are inherently distributed operations. While securing a central office may be relatively easy, doing so with many construction sites, laydown yards, and other remote facilities is not. There’s even an issue with thieves stealing material in use by the utility − such as copper wire from telephone poles, batteries and storm drains. And, hiring guards to secure every remote area is not financially feasible to cover the entire footprint of a utility. 

A major part of the problem is it has never been easier to monetize ill-gotten material, either through traditional means or through newer internet marketplaces. Laws to enforce purchasing or selling stolen goods are not rigorously enforced, and criminals know this. It is not surprising that there would be an escalation in petty crime if the criminals know it is highly unlikely that they will get caught.

The cost to utilities is not just in the material stolen, but the delays it introduces and declining service to customers. As we noted in one of our previous blogs, stolen material is often not noticed missing until someone needs it, and work can’t begin until there is a replacement.

The way to reduce service disruptions due to petty theft is to bring modern technology to bear. Pro-Vigil’s mobile solution is a prime example of this. It can be cost-effectively deployed on sites that have limited or no electricity or wi-fi connectivity. It’s self-contained, with cameras that can be powered by solar panels, and can be deployed quickly and moved easily to help utilities curb crime on remote locations. 

Additionally, mobile units contain the same artificial intelligence (AI) and crime deterrence capabilities as the Pro-Vigil fixed solution, which allows virtual security guards to detect suspicious behavior, deter crime, and dispatch the proper authorities when necessary – all within 24 seconds or less.

Amid an epidemic of petty theft on utilities – Pro-Vigil provides strong medicine.

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