Protect Your Reputation! [The Real Self Storage Security Threat]

Theft, arson, and vandalism of storage units is on the rise. If your units have not yet been affected, you are in the minority of national storage facilities. These crimes are costly both financially and to your reputation. 
Self Storage Threat

Financial Impact

The average cost of an incident is $11,000 – per storage unit. With arson alone, 1 million storage units are burned to the ground annually. And, thieves often break into multiple units to see which have the most valuable items in order to rob from several storage spaces at one time. With facts like these, losses add up quickly. Your facility is at risk of financial repercussions and other self storage security threats if you don’t have a comprehensive security and surveillance solution in place. 

Damage to Your Reputation [Not Just Your Storage Unit]

Crimes at your storage facility can be even more costly to your reputation. Word of mouth and online reviews from customers who suffer from criminal activity of their storage unit can have a great impact on your business. Those reviews also impact the decisions of future customers. 

Did you know that every month there are more than 10.3 billion Google searches, with 78% of U.S. internet users researching products and services online? And, 86% of people would pay more for services from a company with higher ratings and reviews. Businesses in any industry suffer when poor experiences lead to poor public perception, storage is no different. 

86% of people would pay more for services from a company with higher ratings and reviews.

Your customers make monthly payments to ensure their belongings are safe guarded. They think of their unit with your facility as an extension of their home. Unfortunately, a gate and padlock on a storage unit isn’t enough to offer the desired security for your tenants. Today’s criminals are more sophisticated than ever. They know how to work around basic deterrents, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have them in place. Minimally these techniques keep amateur criminals at bay and your insurance claims at a down. What it does mean is that you should find it critical to include managed video surveillance in your security solution. Can you afford to wait? 

Talk to the security experts at Pro-Vigil about how simple it can be to protect your unit against self storage security threats.

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