Understanding the difference in Temporary Surveillance and Fixed

Fixed and temporary surveillance are two similar, yet very different types of security. Here is how each system can benefit your business.
Benefits of remote video monitoring for businesses

Not all businesses are location-dependent. If you are in a business that moves locations or you operate from a hard-to-reach spot, your security needs are different than those of companies in a fixed space. Temporary surveillance, also known as mobile surveillance, could be the solution you need to ensure your site is secure at all times.

What Is Temporary Surveillance?

Temporary surveillance is a type of surveillance system that isn’t permanently fixed to a specific location. It’s often called mobile surveillance because it has the ability to move with you. Some people confuse the term “mobile surveillance” with the ability to observe a security system from a mobile device. And while you can observe mobile surveillance from a smartphone or other device, this isn’t the reason it’s mobile.

Unlike its counterpart, fixed surveillance, mobile or temporary surveillance is portable. If you operate a construction or utility site, are renovating a portion of your office, or own property in a remote location without electricity, there are mobile surveillance systems that you can use to keep a watchful eye on your assets.

While fixed security systems are designed as permanent surveillance systems that stay with a business, mobile surveillance has the ability to move locations when you do. So, in the construction business for example, when you complete one build and are ready to move to a new assignment, your temporary surveillance can go with you.

If you no longer need it, you can also easily end the service.

Why Use Mobile Surveillance?

Mobile surveillance is a cost-conscious way to protect property in the short-term, regardless of its location. This temporary surveillance solution comes with a live video feed that you can monitor from anywhere. In fact, you can do almost everything remotely that you could do onsite.

The cameras can be mounted on a building on the property, free-standing poles, trailers, or any other objects that are available for use. Even if there is no electricity on the property, mobile surveillance can still be set up to monitor your site using solar power panels. It’s a cost-effective way to protect your business.

What Types Of Businesses Use Temporary Surveillance?

There is no limit to the type of business that can use mobile surveillance, some of the more common ones who need this type of security include oil and gas companies, utilities, construction sites, ranches, and agricultural businesses.

Oil and gas companies are often targeted by thieves out on drill sites. The equipment is of high-value and there’s often little security due to the remote locations. Temporary surveillance on these sites can help to deter crime, especially if thieves realize that the site is being monitored.

Similarly, utility sites are often in remote, hard to reach locations, which can make security difficult. To ensure that customers don’t experience an interruption in their electrical or cable services due to crime, protecting this equipment from theft is critical.

Construction sites are another group that needs a temporary solution. Theft, vandalism, and accidents are common here. Video surveillance can monitor the construction site and prevent many of the vandalism acts and thefts from happening in the first place. And it may even help provide answers for accidents that happen.

Ranchers and farmers often use mobile surveillance to secure their land and any valuable livestock or equipment. These are just a few examples of how temporary surveillance is utilized.

Pro-Vigil Is The Trusted Source For Mobile Surveillance

Pro-Vigil offers the most intelligent live surveillance on the market today. Whether your surveillance system is a permanent or temporary solution, your business is in good hands with Pro-Vigil. We prevent 97 percent of crime instances before they even happen. Contact Pro-Vigil today to learn more and get a free consultation.

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