Why an Enterprise Security System Doesn’t Have to Break the Bank

Over the years, video surveillance tools have taken a big step forward to respond to an increasingly bigger job. The threat of on-site crime, violence, and disruption has increased. But so have the tools we use to improve our security response.
Enterprise Security System

The Cost of Enterprise Security Systems are Dropping

As technology improves, it gets smaller, smarter, and more cost-effective. The World Economic Forum says, “Technological innovation is great for consumers. As technology gets more advanced, prices drop and products get better.” 

This same phenomenon is happening with video surveillance systems that were formerly considered “enterprise level.” These systems have dropped in price over the past decade. At the same time, the software and features have improved. 

Today’s enterprise security camera systems use artificial intelligence (AI) to replace an onsite security presence. These features make cameras more efficient, allowing better night vision, remote monitoring, and real-time cloud connectivity. Some of the standard features on modern security cameras include:

  • The ability to connect to the cellular network for always-on cloud connectivity.

  • Sophisticated analytics to detect trends, even in benign things like customer traffic.

  • Cloud recording and searchability features that allow you to easily tag, store, and find specific video footage.

  • Mobile access that lets your security staff view any camera at your business in real time.

  • AI-based machine learning that helps the entire system respond more effectively to threats over time.

  • Better night vision and thermal infrared that actually lets you see images during poor weather conditions or in the dark.

  • Audio and visual deterrents to scare away thieves or trespassers.

Modern video surveillance can do all of these things for a much smaller investment than you would have paid in the past. 

Enterprise Level Security for a Small Business (SMB) Price

How to Change Security Monitoring Companies

Think about the average enterprise company. Enterprises often have very large properties to monitor, with multi-floor offices or even multi-building campuses like factories, hospitals, and universities. It’s almost impossible to cover every corner of the property with a physically onsite guard presence. It would be cost prohibitive, to say the least. Therefore, these companies rely on video surveillance to build out their enterprise security system. 

Over the years, video surveillance tools have taken a big step forward to respond to an increasingly bigger job. The threat of on-site crime, violence, and disruption has increased. But so have the tools we use to improve our security response. 

Today, a company of any size can have an effective security system that even a small or medium-sized business can afford. Today’s commercial security systems can handle a host of business applications, including:

See How Simple It Can Be To Secure Your Business.

  • Monitoring customer and employee traffic during business hours.

  • Recording proof of theft for prosecution.

  • Providing a visual or audible security presence to deter criminal trespass.

  • Tracking physical inventory.

  • Providing proof for workers’ compensation claims.

  • Reducing vandalism and break-ins.

  • Preventing insurance liability claims and payouts.

  • Reducing insurance costs.

  • Protecting your workforce.

  • Increasing the speed of your response.

All of these applications can reduce risk and liability costs for your business. That means an enterprise security system pays for itself quickly. Thanks to some of the features these cameras offer, businesses of all sizes can reap the benefits of enterprise level security very quickly. But what about having an onsite security guard? Most enterprise organizations have them. Can an SMB afford this effective human resource to protect its physical assets? 

Businesses Can Have a 24/7/365 Security System That Doesn’t Cost a Fortune

Artificial intelligence (AI) for video surveillance

Having onsite security guards to monitor all of the space in the typical enterprise campus is very expensive. Personnel costs are the biggest part of security overhead in most enterprise organizations. But SMBs and enterprise organizations can, and do, rely on a very limited onsite presence plus AI-powered cameras that can alert remote monitors when something needs to be looked at more closely.

For example, almost any business of any size can afford today’s video surveillance systems. These cameras are IP-enabled, so you can monitor your business in real-time from any cloud-connected device. But you can combine these tools with an offsite virtual security guard service to watch your cameras 24/7/365. Unlike a patrolling security guard, a virtual security guard can have eyes on every corner of your property all at once through your enterprise security camera system. 

A virtual security guard can remotely control a camera to zoom in to see who’s outside your business at 3:00 a.m. Then they can question someone that’s on your property directly through speakers and microphones in the camera unit. Alternatively, they can trigger an alarm to the police. All of this costs less than one-third of the standard on-site security guard presence. It gives SMBs enterprise level security for much less money.

Are You Ready for an Enterprise Security System?

Pro-Vigil specializes in designing enterprise-level security for everyone. All of the tools we’ve described in this blog are real. So is the cost savings. We work closely with our clients to design the right security system to maximize your response. But today’s tools give us the option to also stay within your budget. You know you need enterprise level security. With Pro-Vigil you can have it and still not break the bank. Call on us today to find out more. 

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