Crime Deterrents Work… If You Let Them

Pro-Vigil emphasizes crime deterrence with audio announcements, lighting, and AI-enabled systems to prevent crimes. Learn more in this blog.

The best way to stop crime is to deter crime, and there are a number of things organizations can do to accomplish this. They can post signs, follow basic security practices and install surveillance cameras on the site. Surveillance cameras themselves deliver some deterrent value, because criminals don’t like to get caught and cameras increase the likelihood of that happening. This is also why lighting is another easy crime deterrent: criminals like to operate in the dark where they know they can hide – whether it’s the dark of night or dark corners where mispositioned lights don’t work.

The U.S. Department of Justice says it best – crime deterrence works better than punishment. And, when punishment is increased it does not reduce crime. Pro-Vigil takes the effectiveness of crime prevention seriously by equipping its security surveillance systems with cameras and audio and visual deterrents to scare off determined criminals. Audio deterrents include sirens and recorded verbal instructions to leave the premises. If desired, the verbal instructions also come in Spanish to ensure the message gets through. The visual deterrents are strobe lights, and they let criminals know they have been noticed and are being watched. 

Some customers are worried about the disturbance deterrents can cause – particularly in cases where their neighbors can notice them. But if the customer chooses to turn off the deterrents or turn them down, they will be far less effective. The result can be a delay in police intervention or, even worse, the criminal getting away. Remember: before changing the deterrent settings, a Pro-Vigil customer should always contact their account manager to see what else could be done.

AI Improves Accuracy

Artificial intelligence provides another layer of validation before deterrents are engaged. This happens automatically – as soon as something suspicious is caught on video, a video clip is sent to the AI. If the AI agrees that it is suspicious, the clip goes to a virtual security guard. If the guard agrees that it is likely a crime in process, then the situation is elevated to a Tier 2 threat and the system automatically activates deterrents. This entire process happens in less than 25 seconds.

Properly using deterrents is another reason why customers should collaborate with Pro-Vigil to make a security plan. Doing so will make the system as accurate as possible and reduce the number of false alarms. This increases the chances that deterrents will only be used when they are needed. This also greatly reduces the possibility of customers tampering with the deterrents, which can compromise security and decrease the return on security investment.

Criminals will always pick “soft targets” because they don’t want to get caught. Pro-Vigil’s deterrents make sure criminals know they are being watched and can make the difference between a criminal running away, or letting the criminal cause financial, operational and reputational damage to their target. The choice is clear. If you’d like to learn more, contact Pro-Vigil now.

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