Physical Security Incidents Have Climbed Since the Start of COVID-19

Original research from Pro-Vigil shines a spotlight on the state of the physical security industry entering 2021. Last year, the COVID-19 pandemic caused abrupt and unexpected change for organizations across industries.
security survey

2021 Physical Security Predictions

In addition to adjusting to work-from-home mandates and dramatically transforming business operations, organizations faced unique physical security challenges. 

For example, how do you protect properties when no one is on-site? And what happens if your security guard has to quarantine?

We wanted to know just how much of an impact COVID-19 had on the physical security industry last year, and how organizations responded to the onslaught of new challenges introduced by the virus – so we surveyed 124 business operations leaders across a variety of commercial vertical markets to find out. 

Our goal was to gain an understanding of how the pandemic has impacted their security strategies, including their use of security guards and video monitoring systems. 

“…we surveyed 124 business operations leaders across a variety of commercial vertical markets to find out how the pandemic has impacted their [businesses] security strategies.”


Security Survey Results

Here is a snapshot of what we found.

  • Nearly 1-in-5 respondents said they saw an increase in physical security incidents since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Nearly 1/3 of respondents indicated they believe they will see an increase in physical security incidents in 2021.

  • More than 40% of respondents said they made changes to their security strategy since the start of the pandemic.

  • Nearly 80% of respondents said they use video surveillance in their workplace. Just over half of those use remote video monitoring services.

  • Nearly 24% of survey respondents indicated they used security guards in their business. Of those respondents:

    - 48% indicated they had experienced absenteeism with security guards.

    - 44% said their guards failed to stop a security incident.

    - 12% indicated a security guard has caused a problem with an employee or customer.

And we learned so much more! To read the complete research report, “The State of Physical Security Entering 2021,” please click below.

To find out how we can help you enhance your physical security strategy with advanced video surveillance solutions, contact us today.

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