Using Cameras Beyond Security: Pro-Vigil Founder Explains in Facilities Management Advisor
Explore 5 innovative uses for surveillance cameras beyond security with Pro-Vigil Founder Jeremy White. Read more now.
Perimeter security is important, but it alone cannot ensure the safety of critical infrastructure. Remote video monitoring, on the other hand, provides comprehensive coverage of the entire property with a team monitoring the site 24/7. Keep your critical infrastructure safe from intruders and other potential threats while providing peace of mind for both yourself and the communities that depend on these vital systems.
Remote video monitoring deters thieves who maliciously steal an average of 150 feet of copper per theft and sell it for cash.
Remote video monitoring deters thieves who maliciously steal an average of 150 feet of copper per theft and sell it for cash.
Video surveillance can protect power plants from thieves and vandals when perimeter security may be cost prohibitive.
An estimated $133B worth of fuels are stolen from oil and gas enterprises each year that could have been deterred.
All it takes is two thieves, some tools, and a truck for 30 - 50 solar panels to disappear within a few hours.
Vandalism costs more than $15 billion a year to repair and replace damaged property but it can be deterred.
Located in sparsely populated rural areas, nearly 22K U.S. substations are susceptible to physical threats that could be deterred.
What do these sites have in common?
Many of these facilities are located in remote areas and are frequently left unprotected.
With proper video surveillance monitoring, you can know what’s happening on site. Shutdowns due to OSHA compliance concerns or regulatory issues cost an average of $42MM and reach as high as $88 Million a year.
Now power plant owners, operators, and employees can enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing their plant is safe.
Thieves target materials that can interrupt services and cost money to replace.
Protect against vandals, thieves, and passive dangers like trespassers or loiterers.
You could be held liable for an accident or injury on your grounds or equipment.
Remote video monitoring can help deter unauthorized access and keep you informed about the current state of your facilities.
When audio and visual deterrents are triggered, they alert intruders that they have been spotted and often cause them to leave. In fact, 97% of the time unwelcome trespassers exit empty handed and without doing damage to your property. In the rare instance that they boldly remain on the premises, we notify the authorities for you.
Protect your property after hours without sacrificing customer experience
Get swift 911 dispatch without triggering false alarms
Scare away trespassers before crime happens, with audio and visual deterrents
Waiting until a security incident happens may be too late, and relying solely on security cameras may not be enough to protect your business. Advanced technology can help identify abnormal activity, enabling you to detect potential threats before they become a reality.
Identify, evaluate, and escalate threats automatically with the help of artificial intelligence
Monitor security video continuously to prevent theft before it occurs 97% of the time
Equip storage units with audible and visual deterrents - on new or existing equipment
Include video monitoring services in your facility’s security solution to deter theft and vandalism.Â
Our permanent, mobile and remote video monitoring offers solution choices for energy and utility companies to fill in any security gap. Benefits from using a Pro-Vigil solution include:
Determine threat level with advanced software and notify authorities if necessary
Notify intruders with a loud voice warning that they have been spotted and authorities will be contacted
Automatically detects equipment issues, conducts trend analysis, fixes issues where possible, and alerts people when needed
Access remote video monitoring statistics, arming or disarming, and live feeds
View footage quickly based on search terms or keywords
Provide secure access to data and minimize storage limitations
Deploy bright, flashing lights to alarm intruders that they have been spotted
Strengthen the accuracy of your security solution with smart video analysis
Leverage remote personnel to review triggers from AI findings
Pro-Vigil’s remote video monitoring relies on AI video surveillance and machine learning video analysis to detect, deter, and dispatch in unmatched speed.
Remote surveillance flags unusual and unwanted activity with machine learning video analysis
Both audio and visual deterrents are activated after a virtual guard verifies the threat
When needed, 911 authorities are dispatched by your virtual guard
Remote video monitoring can help to identify a threat, verify it, and notify proper authorities if necessary. Choose video surveillance monitoring as complement to your security solution.
In less than two minutes remote video monitoring can help to identify a threat,
verify it and notify proper authorities if necessary.
Explore 5 innovative uses for surveillance cameras beyond security with Pro-Vigil Founder Jeremy White. Read more now.
Substations, solar farms and cell towers – what do they all have in common? Many are located in remote areas and can often go unwatched for periods of time.
Utilities, by their nature, must operate in remote locations that often have little security. For example, power substations, cell phone towers and remote telecommunications facilities are easy pickings for organized criminals.