Category: Auto Dealerships

thieves are selling stolen goods online
Auto Dealerships

Thieves Are Selling Stolen Goods Online [And They Aren’t Getting Caught]

Stolen lumber for sale on Craigslist, “used” catalytic converters on Facebook Marketplace and construction tools on eBay. In the internet age, it’s never been easier for criminals to sell their loot – and it’s happening in broad daylight, on the same sites where millions of legitimate transactions occur every day.

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crime at auto dealerships
Auto Dealerships

How to Prevent Car Theft on Your Parking Lot

According to the Bureau of Justice, more than 1 in 10 property crimes occur in lots or parking garages. The FBI says over 1,400 of these incidents occur somewhere in the U.S. every day. NPR reports car theft is up in some cities.

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Not-So-Happy Holidays: Heavy Equipment Theft Spikes

While the winter months should be all about family gatherings and holiday traditions, it’s no time for businesses to let down their guard. And for anyone operating, selling or storing heavy equipment, it’s especially important to step up security during the holidays.

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Auto Dealerships

What Criminals Want from Car Dealers

There is no question that vandals somehow find it satisfying to deface property of high value. On vehicles, they want to key the paint, slash tires, smash windows, break wipers, or spray paint the vehicle.

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Auto Dealerships

Security Cameras Alone Don’t Cut It

Do you want to secure your dealership’s inventory and protect your property? Security cameras alone aren’t enough to ensure your dealership is not a prime target for thieves and vandals.

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